Monday, January 24, 2011


He's not talking to me. I guess he's trying to get me out of his mind. I wish I knew he was okay though. Like I just wanna be sure he's breathing. I asked his friend Hadi about him and how he's doing. He knows its over too (I told him). He told me before the whole incident that he thinks I should come to Lebanon because it is better to see and speak to Asad in person. How come people just assume a ticket to Lebanon is like 50 bucks? Or that I even have fifty bucks. I guess I'm just being moody because I feel like all my efforts go unnoticed. Hmm, I was thinking, why couldn't he come and see me? I know, it's harder for him to meet in the US. But he knows we can meet where my parents are. Ugh, what am I talking about lol. It's probably very unlikely, but the point is these were thoughts in my head, plans I tried to make into reality so that we could see each other again. Did he dream of this? Did he conjure up plans to see me, to win my heart? :(

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